Peer Review Process

All articles submitted to the journal of ISAINTEK (Jurnal Informasi, Sains dan Teknologi) undergo an initial review by the Editorial Board. Following this, the manuscript is forwarded to peer reviewers (bestary partners) for evaluation. Each article is reviewed by at least two peer reviewers.

If revisions are required based on the reviewers’ feedback, the article will be returned to the author for modifications. The entire review process takes a maximum of one month. During the review, peer reviewers assess both technical aspects and the substantive quality of the manuscript.

The ISAINTEK journal collaborates with expert peer reviewers to ensure high-quality scientific publications. The journal is dedicated to advancing scientific knowledge and serves as a platform for sharing and disseminating research among academics, students, practitioners, and researchers.

The Editorial Board welcomes submissions related to engineering, informatics, accounting management, maintenance, and machinery, in alignment with the journal’s mission to enhance scientific quality and foster knowledge exchange.