Aplikasi Pelayanan Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut Pada Poli Gigi Puskesmas Sungai Bilu Banjarmasin Timur Berbasis Web


  • Muharir Muharir Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari




Applications, Dental Poly, Services, Teeth and Mouth


Sungai Bilu Health Center has 12 services, namely Counter Services, General Poly Services, Children Poly Services, Nutrition Poly Services, Kesling Poly Services, MCH Services, Immunization Poly Services, Dental Poly Services, Laboratory Poly Services, Action Poly Services, Pharmacy/Pharmacy Services, and Administrative Services. In terms of service and administrative tidiness, the Sungai Bilu Public Health Center continues to improve. Where previously it used a ledger to record visits and actions taken, now it has switched to using a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. However, the use of spreadsheets is still considered ineffective because they have to be operated via one computer and take turns. In addition, data that has been processed can sometimes be damaged due to computer viruses. In addition, the flexibility of access via the internet network cannot be used to process patient reports and histories in the form of patient medical records. This study uses the waterfall method in its development and UML (Unified Modeling Language) in the modeling and design of the system to be created. With this application, the puskesmas, especially the dental clinic, can easily report. In addition, the service process carried out at the dental and oral polyclinic can be carried out online and systemically so that it makes it easier for the surrounding community to enjoy the services available and makes it easier to improve the quality of services that were initially limited and not archived to become more structured and easier to access. Time efficiency for services that are carried out more efficiently and save the time needed in serving patients or the public when going for treatment.


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How to Cite

Muharir Muharir. (2021). Aplikasi Pelayanan Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut Pada Poli Gigi Puskesmas Sungai Bilu Banjarmasin Timur Berbasis Web. Jurnal Informasi, Sains Dan Teknologi, 4(1), 38–50. https://doi.org/10.55606/isaintek.v4i1.130